About us

We are two friends and flat mates who met during their Geography studies at the University of Göttingen in Germany and share their passion for endurance sports, above all cycling. We will leave our lecture halls behind for some time to explore South and North America by bicycle.


  • Master of Science: Resource Analysis & Management
  • "The Creative"
  • approaches Laura with crazy ideas
  • plans 10% of the route
  • packs to little
  • tends to wear too little 
  • must-have: music
  • scared of bears
  • looks forward to beautiful landscapes and mountains
  • dislikes wind


  • Master of Education: Geography & English 
  • "The Planner"
  • comes up with a plan for Antonia's ideas to work out
  • plans 90% of the route
  • packs too much
  • tends to wear too much
  • must-have: enough water
  • scared of venomous animals
  • looks forward to meeting interesting people
  • dislikes cold weather


 Our friend Meret supports us in the preparation as well as during the trip from Germany. Without her, our project "Longest Ride" would not have reached this extent. 

The actual truth

We have never done anything that extreme before. We are also not 100% sure if our plans are going to work. We're not really good at fixing bike mechanicals and we're on a very small budget. But if we can do it, anyone can do it!